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Love Winnipeg's Underloved with a small monthly donation

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1JustCity Supporters,

As a donor or volunteer at 1JustCity – like me – you’re making changes every day in people’s lives.

When I get a hug from a loved one, it makes me think of Michael who comes to Oak Table (one of 1JustCity’s sites) for daily hugs. And I remember that you and I are making that happen together.

Hugs matter! 

When I put on dry socks I remember that I am making it possible for those like Nikki from Just a Warm Sleep whose feet are her home to have dry clean socks this winter.

You’re helping people like Nikki every time you give too. Today I’m asking you to give like I do – to support the loving heart of 1JustCity by signing up to give monthly.

Like you, I know 1JustCity is in it for the long haul for those in need. They’re supporting people like Nikki and Michael – sometimes for years – to be a part of a community of love, and to learn they’re worth being loved.

Maybe, like me, you’ve heard the story of 1JustCity helping a woman (we’ll call her Lynn) for several months so she could leave domestic violence, only to have her come back a year later and ask for help so her daughter – Clarisse – could do the same. Now that’s powerful. And that’s what happens when you and I give to 1JustCity.

It’s when I hear about how the staff and volunteers at 1JustCity just don’t give up on people – that they’re with someone like Lynn and her daughter for as long as it takes to help them change their lives – that makes me realize how much my gift every month makes a difference.

We need your commitment for the long haul too. Can you join me and give monthly?

I know how much my monthly gift makes it possible for 1JustCity to keep doing what they’re doing. And that it makes such an impact on the people they serve.

Can you give $14 a month to make sure that the underloved in our city are living lives full and rich with love (and hugs, socks and coffee)?

Sign up to give monthly today - your $14 every month is vital!

Yours for the underloved,

Julie Mikuska

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