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Borrowed Believing

Transformation – A blind woman; today Bree has the ability to volunteer, has built up her self-esteem and spends days bringing joy to others thanks to your support for the Community Capacity Builder position! Thanks for helping make a beautiful journey possible!

“ I believe in people hard enough that they can borrow it until they believe in themselves” says our Community Capacity Builder when asked for a job description and in the case of Mel – it too a lot of borrowed believing.

Mel grew up in Foster Care and before long was struggling with addictions – cycling in and out of prison – not feeling like she had the potential to be a useful member of society.

Then Mel became blind. You might think – could things get worse? Well they did – after an accident Mel lost some of her mobility too. Yet still – her energy – you can’t help fall in love with her a little bit. She’s the type of person who at every turn got a bad break – from day 1 – but somehow still has a Smile, that lights up a room.

As a guest at the drop-in Mel could think only of the limitations she had to being able to give back, but the Community Capacity Builder helped her also see her strengths. “She was so nervous she had nothing to offer – but with a little bit of support, a great volunteer team mate and a lot of encouragement she’s become one of our most cherished and effective volunteers.”

This could not have happened if you hadn’t believed in her first! Thank you for building Mel’s Capacity!

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