Toys and Items to Donate
This annual tradition is a lot of fun and we are extremely grateful for your steadfast support. Last year you provided gifts for more than 300 children who wouldn't have had a gift on Christmas morning without you!
Every person has the chance to make a change for good — no matter how big or small. Whatever amount you can give, or time you are willing to dedicate, know that your contribution makes a difference in the lives of others. Your donation, together with those of our other supporters, brings us ever closer to our goals.
​We are seeking donations of new, unopened:
Stuffed Animals
Craft Supplies
Not sure what to purchase for winter items?
New unworn socks
Long underwear
Underwear, pajamas
Touques, gloves, mittens
New winter gear
Women's coats
Children's boots
We can also use gift wrapping supplies:
wrapping paper, tissue paper, gift bags, tape, etc.
Because we make sure to wrap every gift you donate before it goes home with a family to brighten their Christmas.
Due to limited storage space we can only accept donations on December 8 and 9.
Please collect with your community and then bring it on over!
The store itself will operate December 10.